Codling Wind Park deliver Wicklow’s first youth climate conference

Home » Codling Wind Park deliver Wicklow’s first youth climate conference
The inaugural youth conference ‘Our Climate Our Future’ took place in Coláiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole on the 16thof November, inspired and empowered the 400 attendees to take charge and drive change for the planet.

The conference hosted by Colm O’Regan and Coláiste Chraobh Abhann’s Head Boy, Cayden Elliott, opened with a short film created by the youth committee behind the conference which set the scene on how climate change is impacting Ireland, highlighting the need for urgent change.  


The packed room was issued a stark warning from Environmental Campaigner John Gibbons who stressed that without action against global warming, a fifth of the earth’s surface, home to three billion people, may become uninhabitable by 2070 and that it’s imperative for the current generation to confront this challenge head-on. Mr Gibbons told attendees at the conference, that his generation had bequeathed the climate crisis to young people, and it was vital the current generation stepped up and addressed the challenges of global warming.

Noel Cunniffe, CEO of Wind Energy Ireland, explained how “deploying technologies like wind and solar stands as humanity’s best solution to the climate emergency”. Noel also shared exciting career opportunities in the renewable energy sector, urging students to consider them. Noel which was supported by the panel discussion on climate careers. The panel members shed light on working towards solutions for our planet’s greatest challenges, highlighting the satisfaction such work brings.

Noel Cunniffe
Eimear Manning

The youth audience and invited guests learned from Eimear Manning, Youth & Climate Justice Development Officer at the National Youth Council of Ireland, how they can become climate change makers and how climate change can affect everybody differently from. Eimear ignited passion among attendees, inspiring the next wave of climate change leaders. This was echoed in the youth panel who called for more guidance on individual actions and governmental initiatives.

Noel Cunniffe
Eimear Manning

Codling Wind Park’s Project Director, Scott Sutherland said he was delighted to support the event. “We are keenly aware that it is young people who face the most uncertain future in the fight against climate change. Codling Wind Park is really proud to be in a position to provide a platform to inform and empower young people in the Wicklow community and beyond. Young people understand that everyone has a role to play in this fight and it’s time for political leaders and policy makers to listen to them and most importantly to take action.”

Scott Sutherland hosted by Colm O’Regan

For more information on Our Climate Our Future conference, you can view the website:

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