Phase 2 Consultation

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Our second round of public consultation took place from the 11th January to 8th February, 2023. The consultation included a number of face-to-face exhibitions in Wicklow and Poolbeg, together with an online virtual exhibition and a series of dedicated information clinics.

Virtual Exhibition content

Our online exhibition was open from the 11th January to 8th February, 2023

Although the virtual exhibition has finished, the information is still available in a PDF document. It gives you the opportunity to view all the latest information and updates on the project, including photomontages from ten local viewpoints.

Public Events

We held four physical exhibitions throughout the month of January 2023, showing the latest project information and an opportunity to meet members of the team and provide feedback:

  • 18th January 2023: Kilcoole Community Centre: (18:30-21:30)
  • 19th January 2023: The Bridge Tavern, Wicklow: (09.00-14.00) and (17.00-20.00)
  • 24th January 2023: Greystones Sailing Club: (09.00-14.00) and (17.00-20.00)
  • 25th January 2023: Clanna Gael Fontenoy GAA Club, Ringsend: (09.00-14.00) and (17.00-20.00)

Information Clinics

Dedicated information clinics were available where you could book an appointment to meet with us. Ten hours of appointments were available as follows:

  • 26th January: 11:00-13:00
  • 31st January: 13:00-15:00
  • 31st January: 19:00-21:00
  • 1st February: 09:00-11:00
  • 4th February: 11:00-13:00

As part of the second phase of public consultation, we produced a series of relevant maps, outlining key aspects of the project.

We prepared photomontages for 10 viewpoints, to ensure broad coverage along the coastline.

Would you like to contact us?

Once you have had time to explore the latest information on our website, we are always happy for you to contact us if you have any questions. Use the link below to our contact page where you can talk directly to one of our team via email, our contact form or by telephone.

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