The Scoping Report for the onshore infrastructure elements of the Codling Wind Park project has been published and sent to an extensive list of consultees.
The Report covers the terrestrial elements (landfall, cabling and substation) of the Codling Wind Park project that extend inland from the Mean High-Water Mark. It sets out the proposed scope of work and methodologies to be applied in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and outlines the proposed structure of the EIA Report document.
The purpose of the Onshore Infrastructure Scoping Report is to engage with consenting authorities, statutory and non-statutory consultees as part of the EIA process, inviting them to provide relevant information and to comment on the proposed approach to the Codling Wind Park EIA, in order to ensure that a robust EIAR is submitted in support of the project’s planning application.
If you would like to make comments on the Scoping Report please do so by email to before Monday, 28th June 2021. All responses will be considered in the development of a final published EIAR document.